A Multi-Passionate, Travel Addict, Content Creator & Social Media Junkie on a Mission to Teach Women how to Build an Sustainable Online Business so you can Live Life on your own Terms!

Hi, I'm Jensen!

Creating Something Beautiful on Socials

I used to hate social media. Truly I did! I was addicted to the rush of getting more likes, the constant comparison cycle and the never ending highlight reel that gives such a fake sense of reality!

and then.... I became everything I hated about Social Media. When I first started creating content and thinking about this as a job and not just a hobby I was so fake. Fake Captions, Photoshopped Photos, Curated Feeds to make Life look Perfect... I did it all.

One day I realized that it doesn't have to be that way! I can be a travel blogger without an airbrushed bikini body! I can work with my dream brands without curating a feed of "perfect photos"! I can share my real thoughts, struggles and passions and still create a community online! (truthfully, I think my community is so great BECUASE of the realness)

Something I have learned the past few years is that life is what you make it and I have decided I am going to live a life that is real, filled with adventure and experiences that make me happy! I hope you join me!

My blog

I'll let you in on my best travel secrets and share my top tips on how to successfully promote your brand online.

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